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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chandler - Northern Utah Senior Portrait Photographer

My friend Brandi was headed out to shoot Chandler's senior portraits and asked if I would like to come along because she knows how much I seriously love shooting seniors.  I am SO glad she invited me, because it was AWESOME!  (I really don't think I conveyed how flipping glad I was she invited me, I was really really really glad!!!)  Chandler and his mom were so much fun to be around.  We all had a really good time, and I'm pretty sure the city of Mendon was wondering what in the heck was going on with all of the drumming!  These pictures turned out so great and I can not wait until I can go out and do something funky again some day soon.

I could post a billion of these pictures but I'm thinking you might get bored.  Congrats to Chandler for graduating high school.

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